"An outstanding Girls' Grammar School with a Mixed Sixth Form"
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Welcome to Spalding High School

Welcome to Spalding High School

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The sense of community is strong at the High School; you will notice that the School has a special “feel” as soon as you walk through the door.  We are a forward thinking and progressive school with an outward looking curriculum and a rich and diverse extra-curricular programme.  Our commitment to developing the whole person prepares students well for the challenges and opportunities that they will face in the rapidly changing world in which they live. We value tradition and traditional values but not for the sake of it.

Personal development from childhood to adulthood is also of great importance to us. Our students grow into independent, articulate young women (and young men in the Sixth Form) who take responsibility for, and make decisions about their lives and their futures in an informed and intelligent way.  We are proud of our excellent pastoral care and guidance which ensures that no student is lost in the crowd.   We base all that we do on the mutual respect of all of the members of our School community.  Teamwork and friendship are important to everyone at the High School; we are all important cogs in a very big wheel.

Words and pictures can offer only a flavour of what we stand for.  There is no substitute for seeing the School as it is on a normal working day and talking with students and staff; visitors are always welcome so please feel free to contact us to arrange a visit.

These are the things that are important to us:

  • Recognise that everyone has the ability to achieve.  We all have gifts and talents.
  • Look after each other’s physical and emotional well-being so that we all feel happy, safe, confident and supported.
  • Are honest, trustworthy, respectful, courteous, friendly and kind.
  • Are reflective and resilient and value the importance of perseverance.
  • Inspire, challenge and help each other.
  • Recognise that reciprocity is an essential life skill.
  • Build confidence and resourcefulness to reach beyond what we see as our own limitations.
  • Celebrate everyone’s achievements and contributions, be they academic, creative, sporting or charitable.
  • Respect both diversity and collectiveness and have an open and tolerant mind.
  • Take advantage of the opportunities provided in the classroom and extra-curricular programme.
  • Support each other’s aspirations and ambitions for our lives and our futures.
  • Champion respect for our environment within our School and as global citizens.
  • Work proactively and collaboratively with parents/carers and our wider community.
  • Build friendships that in some cases might last us a lifetime.
 In short, we strive for excellence in all that we do

We are proud of our enviable reputation for being a friendly and welcoming School which works hard to support its students and provide them with an all-round education that will benefit them throughout their lives. 

Michele Anderson

To read about the History of the school, please click here