Safeguarding is protecting and preventing you from the outcome of unfortunate circumstances and is about working together as a team to stay safe. Everyone has a duty to report abuse, no matter how small the issue may appear to be. It is always better to report it sooner rather than later.
- Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
- Safeguarding is there to protect everyone.
- Speak to the right people – you will be listened to.
If you have a concern about your own or someone’s safety or welfare, who can you talk to?
Talk to a person you feel most comfortable talking to. That could be:
- Your form tutor
- Your head of year
- A teacher
- Mrs Freeman, Mrs Norton, Mrs Spies or Mrs Spreckley
- Support staff
- A lunchtime supervisor
- A trustworthy friend
- Your parents / carers or other responsible adult
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (“DSL”) for school is: Mrs Ray
Mrs Ray is an Assistant Headteacher. She also teaches English. You can find her office downstairs in the MFL / Geography block.
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (“DDSL”) for school is: Mrs Norton
Mrs Norton is a Pupil Support Coordinator. You can find her office downstairs in the MFL/ Geography block, opposite M1.
The Safeguarding and Pastoral Administrator is: Mrs Connolly
You can find her in the office next to the form trays in the student reception area.
If you have any safeguarding concerns, one of our safeguarding team will be available during school hours (8.45 am – 4 pm). Please contact them on [email protected] or ring the main school number should you need to speak to anyone.
Outside of school hours, any Child Protection and Safeguarding concerns should be reported to Lincolnshire Children's Services or Cambridge and Peterborough Children's Services on the telephone numbers below. If you believe that a crime has been committed and / or there is an immediate risk of danger, call the police on 999 or 112. If there is no immediate danger, call the police on 101.
Other safeguarding contact information:
Report a safeguarding concern – Lincolnshire County Council
Safeguarding children and child protection | Cambridgeshire County Council
Lincolnshire Children’s Services 01522 782111
Out of hours emergency duty team 01522 782333
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Children’s Services 0345 045 5203
Peterborough out of hours 01733 234724
Childline 0800 1111