"An outstanding Girls' Grammar School with a Mixed Sixth Form"
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Modern Foreign Languages - Languages day 2


February 2016


I thought languages day was very fun. I loved learning many different languages (.e.g. Greek, Russian, Spanish, German and Yoda). My favourite was Greek as I know quite a lot about the language already. I loved learning the Spanish song and having the mini maracas. I also really liked the logo game at the end of the day; it helped me learn where all the different logos came from. The game was also very funny because we were all shocked at how many logos that people knew. We had an ex-student come and speak to us, and I liked listening to her stories and what she does in her day to day life. Overall, I really enjoyed the day; I thought that it helped a lot with learning different languages. It also made me want to learn Russian!

By Chloe Spinks 9J

 Modern Foreign Languages - Languages day 1
 Modern Foreign Languages - Languages day 3

Walking in to languages day I had no idea what we would be doing so I was a bit apprehensive. The day started with a geography based quiz in our teams of 5/6 (one person from each form). This was really good and allowed us to get to know each other when working together; I especially enjoyed this because our team won! We then went off in forms to different languages classrooms and did lots of short activities, for example: Yoda linguistics, learning Russian, singing in Spanish and many more. We ended the day with a logo quiz in the hall and the winners of the quiz were announced and won some prizes. Overall, languages day was really fun!

Molly-Hannah Millard 9J