Here at Spalding High school we have an “open door” policy within the mathematics department whereby every pupil is welcome to see any member of staff within the department should they need help and support with their learning outside of lesson time.
We offer several different sessions to help to promote pupil independence and resilience when faced with “not knowing what to do” during a topic or problem.
Pupils studying A level mathematics are encouraged to see their members of staff to address issues as they arise, they may use the drop in sessions below or arrange to see staff during non-contact time when mutually convenient.
Open to all yearsMaths club Every Wednesday 1pm in Room 21 Open to all years, organised by our Sixth Form Subject Prefects – weekly games, challenges, paper folding and lots of lovely mathsy fun. Maths Clinic Every Wednesday 1pm room 21 Open to all years - pupils of all ages are welcome to pop in to see a member of Maths Department to resolve any Maths issues |
If you have a problem with anything mathematical; from applying the four rules to fractions in Y7, to completing the square in Y11, to solving first order differentials in Y13, then maths clinic is the place to be.
Each of these sessions are voluntary and are designed to encourage pupils to engage with the process of being pro-active about overcoming a difficulty with a topic or specific problem in Mathematics.