"An outstanding Girls' Grammar School with a Mixed Sixth Form"
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Social & Extracurricular Opportunities

We provide students with the opportunity to participate in academic, social and extracurricular activities. Our range of enrichment activities enables students to improve their transferable skills e.g. leadership, team working and organisational skills.

Specific Clubs:
• Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme
• Whole school choir
• Various music/orchestral groups
• Sporting opportunities
• Outlook Expeditions

Activities and posts of responsibility:
• Subject Prefects
• School Prefects
• Head Student and Deputy Senior Students
• Peer Mentoring with Year 7
• Sixth Form Student Council

• Charity & Fundraising
• Common Room & Study Room
• Library
• Lost Property & Used Uniform
• Sixth Form Events & Disco Ticket Sales
• Stationery