"An outstanding Girls' Grammar School with a Mixed Sixth Form"
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Previous letters and communication for Coronavirus

School Vaccination Programme information

 COVID-19 vaccination letter November 2021

 COVID-19 vaccination – a guide for children and young people (publishing.service.gov.uk)  

 What to expect after your COVID-19 vaccination – Advice for children and young people (publishing.service.gov.uk)  

 COVID-19 Vaccination programme for children and young people – guidance for parents (publishing.service.gov.uk) 


Remote Education Provision

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils, parents and carers about what to expect from remote education should students need to self-isolate, or where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home. 

Remote Education Provision Government Expectations

We have created a document which shows the expectations that the Government has given schools surrounding Home Learning and commented on how we are addressing these expectations in our provision.

Remote Learning Parental Survey Executive Summary

Please find above a table that we have created in response to our remote learning parental survey. It includes the results and links to further educational websites and resources for use at home. We hope that you will find it both informative and useful.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams Guide for Students

MS Teams Parental Letter


Office 365 Migration Letter

Please click here for information on accessing school email post 365 migration


Letters from the Headmistress 

Letter from the Headmistress 22th February 2022


School Parking Update